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Dd 2808 fillable army Form: What You Should Know

For more information and to participate, visit SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: (Check each item in appropriate column. Enter “NE” if not evaluated.) a. BIOPHYPHOEBIA: See DD FORM 2136, Biophysics for all pertinent guidelines and information regarding military training and operations. b. BIOPHYSICAL DISORDERS: See DD FORM 2136, Biophysics for all pertinent guidelines and information regarding military training and operations. c. BIOLOGY: See DD FORM 2136, Biophysics for all pertinent guidelines and information regarding military training and operations. d. DEPRESSION: See DD FORM 2236, Depressive Disorder. e. HOMOSEXUALITY: See DD FORM 2136, Biophysics for all pertinent guidelines and information regarding military training and operations. f. DYSPHORIA: See DD FORM 2136, Biophysics for all pertinent guidelines and information regarding military training and operations. g. EPILEPSY: See DD FORM 2136, Biophysics for all pertinent guidelines and information regarding military training and operations. h. HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS: See DD FORM 2136, Biophysics for all pertinent guidelines and information regarding military training and operations. 3. CONDITION OF RECORD: See DD FORM 2872, Physical Examination Report for your current condition. 4. PREVENTION AND PREPAREDNESS: a. PRACTICE PROGRAMS: See appendix A. See also: d. REQUIREMENTS: See appendix B. b. RECORD-MAKING REQUIREMENTS: See appendix C. (Click here to see other forms in this series) For more information about the Department of Defense, including information about your rights and responsibilities at military installations, download DD Form 2660 and follow the instructions in the instructions box.  For questions about your Military Base Health System visit CHS.mil or call.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Dd 2808 fillable army

Instructions and Help about Dd 2808 fillable army

Okay, now we will start the heent exam. We'll first start with the head general appearance. Inspect the head for symmetry and shape. Then state normal cephalic. Then inspect the face for general appearance. Inspect the face for symmetry and obvious abnormalities. Then verbalize face is symmetrical without lesions. Hair distribution. Inspect hair for distribution and verbalize symmetrical hair distribution. Hair and scalp. Inspect and palpate hair and scalp for texture, infestations, scaling, and lesions. Then verbalize, "I am inspecting hair and scalp for texture, infestation, scaling, or lesions." Cranium and face. Palpate the cranium, the face, the temporal artery for Masse's tenderness and injury. And verbalize, "There are no masses and no tenderness elicited. The temporal artery is non-tender." Paranasal sinuses. Palpate or percuss the frontal and maxillary sinuses. Parotid glands. Palpate the parotid gland for enlargement or tenderness. Then verbalize, "Parotid glands are not palpable or parotid glands are without a nodule or irregularity." TMJ. Palpate TMJ with motion for crepitus. Motor branch of cranial nerve five. Palpate the muscles of mastication during jaw clenched. Inspect for symmetry of facial movements. Now we will move on to the external eyes. Visual acuity. Cranial nerve two. Check visual acuity. Hold card 14 inches from eye, exert no pressure, uncover eye, no three-three. Then verbalize, "Visual acuity is 2024, OD, OS, and OU." Visual fields. Evaluate visual fields by confrontation. Slowly bring fingers into patient's peripheral vision by wiggling your fingers. Have the patient point and say "now" with their hands. General appearance. Inspect brows, lashes, and lids. Verbalize, "I am inspecting for symmetry, exophthalmos, lead lag, ptosis, periorbital discoloration, edema, and skin lesions." Lacrimal duct. Palpate lacrimal duct for regurgitation. Conjunctiva and sclera. Inspect bulbar and palpebral conjunctiva and sclera. Verbalize, "I am inspecting for injection, icterus, lesions, edema, or...